Sunday, May 26, 2013

First Post!

    Looking out my window it's a dreary day. The drip drap of rain is slowing and I see green. Green grass, green trees, green plants. Your typical Irish day yes? Well, its actually a New England day. Sitting in my armchair, a soccer game on the tele, I'm making my first post.
    In about two months I will be making my way from my home in Massachuestts to the National University of Ireland in Maynooth, Ireland. Pursuing a degree in Business and Management while having the experience of a lifetime. I'll be recording everything, from my university life to my free time. Letting all of you know exactly what its like to leave the comfort of your home and inhabit a foreign country for four years. Cheers! (that may be British...not Irish...) Wish me Luck!